Bucking a Trend

The first word today goes to excellent Blue Jays color analyst Buck Martinez, who played 17 years in the majors.
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Thu, Mar 27
Tue, Mar 25
Ask a random fan about the color barrier and they’ll likely tell you that at some point early in the formation of Major League Baseball, Black players were banned from playing and then Jackie Robinson came along, integrating the game for all.
Mon, Mar 24
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Thu, Mar 13
Trouble With The Nerds
Looking for that perfect gift for the uniformed Nerd on the Boston Red Sox hitting staff who admonished Hall of Famer Jim Rice after a young Red Sox player quietly asked Rice for some hitting advice?
Tue, Mar 11
Well folks, we’re here! Three and a half years after waving the green flag, The Stud 400 has reached the top 100 moments that have shaped the history of Major League Baseball.