St. Louis Cardinals

Meet Me At Musial, Episode 369, Interstate '85

Meet Me At Musial, Episode 369, Interstate '85

Meet Me At Musial

1 day ago·Daniel Shoptaw and Allen Medlock

1 hr 12 min

Episode Description

In a departure from the regular, Daniel (@C70) sits down to talk with Marshall Garvey (@MarshallGarvey) about his soon-to-be-released book Interstate '85, which chronicles the 1985 World Series between the Cardinals and the Royals. Marshall talks about the people he was about to reach out to talk about the series, including one certain umpire. He highlights things that he learned and stories that came out of his research on one of the most interesting Series out there. Then Daniel goes solo to talk about the end of spring camp for the Cards and Rich is here to bring a little more history into the mix. Enjoy the last show of spring training!

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