Seattle Sounders FC

Power-ranking potential Sounders stadium locations

Power-ranking potential Sounders stadium locations

Nos Audietis

6 days ago·nosaudietis

58 min

Episode Description

Yes, Jeremiah and Aaron discuss the most recent Sounders’ loss, but they also unveiled a new feature they’re tentatively calling ‘power rankings’ in which they choose a topic surrounding the Sounders and … rank them. 

In their first power ranking, the look at potential sites for a new Sounders stadium. Spoiler alert: they are not really loving the idea of moving from downtown Seattle to Longacres.

They also talk to Kelyn Rowe about playing for Ballard FC in tonight’s U.S. Open Cup match against Spokane Velocity.


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“Diversions” audio provided by Sounder at Heart subscriber Lars; find more of their music here.

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