Stomp The Bus
Mark Harris and Colton Dodgson chat about ASU football on the Stomp The Bus Show....All Episodes — 117
What to make of Arizona State keeping Bobby Hurley
6 days ago · Stomp The Bus
So... Bobby Hurley is staying with ASU men's basketball for at least one more season. Mark doesn't like the decision on the surface, but things could change if a particular local recruit comes to Tempe.
What ASU should do with Hurley and how the ACC settlement affects Arizona State
13 days ago · Stomp The Bus
Mark talks about the Bobby Hurley situation at ASU, shares his thoughts on some football news, and explains how the recent ACC settlement with FSU and Clemson affects Arizona State down the road.
Talking Arizona State basketball, hockey, baseball and football
23 days ago · Stomp The Bus
Arizona State men's basketball, hockey, baseball, and football each have some interesting storylines right now
Is Kenny Dillingham correct that ASU football can level up?
1 month ago · Stomp The Bus
This episode touches on a lot of different ASU sports, starting with men's basketball
The Hurley era feels over and analyzing the 2025 ASU football schedule
1 month ago · Stomp The Bus
After discussing all of the big news from the sports world, Mark and Colton share their thoughts on how ASU men's basketball has played lately and how it relates to Bobby Hurley's future in Tempe (18:02)