He Gone! Gaston Gimenez (finally) departs the Chicago Fire

He Gone! Gaston Gimenez (finally) departs the Chicago Fire

Feed the Fire

3 months ago·Bleav + Glass House Soccer

36 min

Episode Description

Hey, soccer fans! The Chicago Fire delivered a Christmas present to fans in the form of mutually parting ways with Gaston Gimenez. The Designated Player was a symbol of underperformance and burdensome contracts for the last five years, and by mutually terminating the contract, Gregg Berhalter & Co. have opened up a second DP spot and saved their one-time buyout (Heads up, Arnaud Souquet.)

Our host also breaks down the latest front office hires for the Men in Red, and how Berhalter has filled out his sporting leadership team. Nick gives you the details on Darcy Norman, Eddie Rock, and Zayne M. Thomajan. He also breaks down the new season ticket exchange program, and how the new policies are signs of change for the club.

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