Pascal and Johnny Make Sure the Tin Shines / Ep 488 / Blue City Radio

Pascal and Johnny Make Sure the Tin Shines / Ep 488 / Blue City Radio

Blue City Radio Podcast

5 days ago·Blue City Radio: NYCFC Podcast Hosts

1 hr 39 min

Episode Description

Episode 488:

It’s an anniversary moment ten years in the making.  NYCFC versus Orlando, but this time the Boys In Blue were the home team and the victors on the day.

Pascal Jansen took his “Team First” mentality and pushed the squad to raise their intensity and two second half goals were the difference in NYCFC’s eleventh home-opener and the penultimate event at Yankee Stadium.

This week Mike Anderer, J.R. diBart and Mike Allen are back to break down the game, share their fondest memories of the past 10 seasons and highlight some player audio captured post-game from Yankee Stadium.Artwork

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