How Slow First Quarter Starts Hurt the Pacers Chances of Winning + is ...

How Slow First Quarter Starts Hurt the Pacers Chances of Winning + is ...

Setting The Pace

3 days ago·Tyler Chin

35 min

Episode Description

Alex and Facci answer the final questions from the March Mailbag. We thank everyone for their amazing questions!


16). Basketball John 

Facci, do you think SlowMo and Jarace are similar in some ways? Although Jarace is much more athletic, he seems to have a very deliberate style.


17). Roundball Roundup 

How many more seasons will this organization ruin by having Turner at the C? Already at 9 & counting.

The definition on crazy is doing same thing over again & expecting a different result.  even trial & error would’ve succeeded by now


Hot Tk:

TJ + Sabonis >> Haliburton + Turner



18). Matt John

I am from the UK travelling to watch the Pacers in April - what are my ‘need to knows’ about the field house?



19). Psycho T is back again 

HOW has Tj (a 6’1 white dude) gone his WHOLE 10+ nba career and not developed an actual 3 point jump shot?


20). Chad @ChadTweetsNBA

What’s your guys’ favorite moment from this season?


21) Greg Brames

On slow starts to the 1st Quarter...Why do you think we have so many of these slow starts? Is this a sign of immaturity, focus, clubbing the night before, or what? Lately our shooting in the first quarter is abysmal too. What can they do to turn it around?

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