In a week where City were flakier than a Danish pastry, the MFW podcast tried to digest two results that most fans couldn’t stomach.
Sun, Mar 23
- Premier League
Who will be JHT’s centre-backs in the Class of 2025-26?
Alex B’s Friday piece – in which he looked at those who are here on loan and those City have sent out on loan – was a useful reminder of how many potential centre-back options Johannes Hoff Thorup has (or may have) going forward.
Fri, Mar 21
- Premier League
What to become of the NCFC loaners?
The last transfer window closed only 46 days ago but recruitment is a never-ending process, with clubs continuously looking to see where they need to prune their squads and where they need to invest.
- Premier League
ACADEMY: Chelsea dominate the U21s but some good individual performances
The U21s suffered a tough 3-1 defeat against a talented Chelsea side last Friday afternoon.
Thu, Mar 20
- Premier League
Frustrating and exasperating, but JHT still deserves more time
The dreaded international break – but also an ideal time to look at where we are as a club.
Wed, Mar 19
- Premier League
Some unanswered questions – but why I’m keeping the faith
Time for me to nail my colours to the mast and risk looking silly.
Tue, Mar 18
- Premier League
The perils of the international break… and a time-lapse look at NCFC
Just when you’ve got used to the slog of three-match weeks… Just when every game is more important than the one before for the final finishing position… Then… THUD.
Mon, Mar 17
- Premier League
MONDAY MARDLE: Irrepressible one minute, irresponsible the next…
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it […].