Bleav in Badgers - Wisconsin Badgers Football podcast

The Best of Squatfest: Braelon Allen, Chimere Dike, Darryl Peterson, a...

The Best of Squatfest: Braelon Allen, Chimere Dike, Darryl Peterson, a...

Bleav in Badgers

2 years ago·Bleav

26 min

Episode Description

Bernie and Perko are joined by a wide variety of Wisconsin Badgers players at Squatfest, including Braelon Allen, Chimere Dike, Kamo'i Latu, Darryl Peterson, Maema Njongmeta, Chez Mellusi, and more to talk about the event and answer questions out of the OakBridge Wealth Management hat.

Follow us on Twitter @BleavInBadgers and Instagram @BleavInBadgers. And make sure to check out Matt's weekly segment with Clint Cosgrove on YouTube.

We encourage you, if you are able, to continue to donate to the GoFundMe for Devin Chander's family 

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