Blue City Radio Podcast

Will the Real NYCFC Please Stand Up? / Ep 470 / Blue City Radio

Will the Real NYCFC Please Stand Up? / Ep 470 / Blue City Radio

Blue City Radio Podcast

6 months ago·Blue City Radio: NYCFC Podcast Hosts

1 hr 57 min

Episode Description

Episode 470:

For a club and organization that talks so much about identity and focusing on their own style of play NYCFC’s performances are the furthest thing from consistent. It has been a theme and talking point about this young group of players all season long and this week was a perfect example of the chasm between the lowest performances and the strongest team play.

This week Mike Anderer and J.R. Dibart welcome Alec Kousoff from Five Borough Footy to the show as a guest to break down the miserable loss from the midweek to Philadelphia and the frenzied circus that comes to town with Inter Miami.

Included in the show are quotes from Thiago Martins, Keaton Parks, Nick Cushing, Strahina Tanasijevic, Tayvon Gray, Mitjia Illenic and Alonso Martinez

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