What Yinz Talkin' Bout: A Pittsburgh Steelers podcast
The conversation ABOUT the Pittsburgh Steelers social media conversation. We exp...ose the hottest and most toxic takes in Steelers Nation, the mainstream media and beyond! Hosted by yinzer comedians Kyle Chrise and Greg Benevent.All Episodes — 96
Steelers March Madness 2025: 64-greatest Front Office moves
8 days ago · What Yinz Talkin' Bout
This week is our annual special: Steelers March Madness!It's our NCAA-style tournament of historic Pittsburgh Steelers moments.This year's theme is the 64-greatest Front Office Moments in Steelers history.This includes trades, free agent signings and ...
Omar's Talking
15 days ago · What Yinz Talkin' Bout
Omar Khan's annual press conference brings the official kickoff to KHAN SZN
Pre-season QB Shuffle
22 days ago · What Yinz Talkin' Bout
The official league start of 2025 doesn't start until March, but there's an intense quarterback shuffle taking place on Steelers social media
Billboard Bullcrap
28 days ago · What Yinz Talkin' Bout
There should really be a delineation between "Steelers Nation" and "Steelers fans." The fact that so-called fans are buying billboards or Super Bowl ad time to troll Mike Tomlin and Art Rooney II is beyond the pale
Unlubricated Philosophical Friction
1 month ago · What Yinz Talkin' Bout
The big talk of the week is that Steelers offensive coordinator Arthur Smith and quarterback Russell Wilson have been experiencing "philosophical friction." We'll figure out why this is coming to light now instead of a month ago.