Kauffman Corner

Did The Royals Get It Right With Jac Caglianone?

Did The Royals Get It Right With Jac Caglianone?

Kauffman Corner

8 months ago·Soren Petro

1 hr 9 min

Episode Description

The Royals made Florida first baseman Jac Caglianone their pick at #6 in the 2024 MLB Draft. What type of expectations should there be?

Rany Jazayerli (Co-Founder Baseball Prospectus/@Jazayerli) and Soren Petro (Sports Radio 810-WHB, 810whb.com/@SorenPetro) discuss Caglianone and the rest of the Royals draft. Plus...

- Bobby Witt Jr. comes up inches short in the HR Derby.
- First Half Review.
- Playoff Optimism Meter.
- What does the selection of Caglianone say about the Royals philosophy?
- Should Caglianone be a "Two Way" player?
- Upside/Downside for Caglianone.
- Royals grab plenty of college arms.
- Hunter Harvey Trade.
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