The Players’ Tribune is a sports media company that provides athletes with a pla...tform to connect directly with their fans, in their own words.All Articles — 22
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Jéssica From the Drugstore
Feb 28 · Jéssica (Bate Estaca) AndradeDays away from competing for her second UFC belt, Jessica Andrade shares how she's challenged the status quo and changed the game forever.
O Medo é Meu Amigo
Feb 28 · Alex PereiraCampeão do UFC, Alex Pereira fala sobre como o medo o ajuda na busca pela glória: "Tenho muito medo de ser nocauteado.
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Fear Is My Friend
Feb 28 · Alex PereiraUFC champion Alex Pereira on how fear propels him to greatness: “I am very afraid of being knocked out.
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Feb 27 · Sebastian AhoSebastian Aho knows the Carolina Hurricanes have what it takes to win the Stanley Cup: “I can promise you one thing, Raleigh: Close isn’t good enough.
The Bundle with Michael Penix Jr.
Feb 12 · Michael Penix Jr.Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Penix Jr. is joined by Atlanta music producer Torey Montana to learn the behind-the-scenes aspects of making music and to share how music helped him recover through injuries and setbacks in his career.
Players:Knuckleheads with Rajon Rondo
Feb 12 · Darius Miles, Quentin Richardson & Rajon RondoThis week, we got the one and only Rajon Rondo up in here to chop it up!